Last time I checked my brain it told me to build a holographic TV. So I will present to you my newest invention: THE 3TV!
In order to get a holographic image we need to cheat the eye into thinking that something is floating in front of the screen.

As one can see in the image above, we want to make the eye think that there is something at x1. To simulate the rays of the object we can send the same pixel information from x2 at the right angle and from the right position (the projection of (eye, x1) on the screen). We can do that for as many points of Stuff as we want will so get the image of it.
If we move the eye around we will have to calculate different positions and angles on the screen for every point we want to display of Stuff. This results in having multiple colors on one pixel position.
So on the technical side we basically need a new kind of pixels. Convential TV screens are composed of pixels which don't shine into a particular direction. They rather carry their color information on a semisphere so that the same image can be seen from any angle from the screen.
The 3TV, however, is composed of a different kind of pixels. Every pixel can direct its light in several directions. Furthermore for every direction the pixel can change it's color. An example of such a pixel is shown in the image below.

So the screen would mostly make sense for 3D applications (and games?) rather than for movies.
PS: Watch this!